"Patacones" Colombian Food

It's still about food. :)
I knew this food when there was Thanksgiving Potluck in my class.
And then when I went to my Colombian friend's ( Liz ) house, she taught me how to make Patacones.
And What is exactly of Patacone...?
Patacone is a traditional Colombian Dish that uses Plantain ( in Indonesia we call it as Pisang Tanduk ). It's definitely easy and you can get great and different taste from "Pisang Goreng". :P
At first, when I told my husband about that, he seemed not interested but I kept making that for him to try, and his response was great at his very first bite,hahhaaa.
Just try this at home, you won't regret it...!!! :)
Here is the recipe and photos how to make...


- 2 Green Plantains ( not the ripe plantains ).

For the Dip you need:
- 2 tomatoes, Diced.
- 4 Green onion, Slice about 2 cm ( 1 inch ).
- A hand full of Cilantro, just the leaves.
- 1/2 teaspoon Pepper.
- 1/2 teaspoon Dry Paprika
- A pinch of Salt ( not so much, very little ).

How to prepare the Plantains:
- Cut the Plantain diagonally about 1 inch ( 2cm wide ).
- Fry until golden brown but still soft inside not so dry.

- Flatten the fried plantains.
- Re-fry until crispy.

How to prepare the Dip:
- Heat 2 tablespoon of oil in a pan.
- Put all the ingredients together in the pan and saute until wilted.
- Put on a bowl and serve with the fried plantain.


Resep versi Indonesia:

- 2 Pisang Tanduk yang masih mentah ( hijau ).

Buat cocolannya:
- 2 Tomat, potong kotak kecil-kecil.
- 4 Daun bawang, potong-potong sekitar 2 cm ( 1 inch ).
- Satu genggam Daun Ketumbar, daunnya saja.
- 1/2 sendok teh Merica.
- 1/2 sendok teh Paprika bubuk.
- Satu jumput Garam ( Sedikit aja ).

Cara Membuat Pisangnya:
- Potong Pisangnya secara diagonal kira-kira 2 cm.
- Goreng sampai warnanya coklat muda keemasan, angkat.
- Dipenyet sampe permukaan pisang rata, tapi jangan sampai tipis.
- Goreng lagi pisang sampai terlihat renyah.

Cara Membuat Cocolannya:
- Panaskan 2 sendok teh minyak goreng.
- Masukkan semua bahan untuk cocolannya ke wajan, tumis sampai layu, angkat.
- Tempatkan di mangkuk dan sajikan bersama pisang gorengnya.

Thanks to my good friends, Liz and Valeria. :)


  1. gedhang goreng toh jeng?
    boleh juga tu resep xixixixixixixi